>tngh mnyaksikan grup malaysia yg hancor!!
Oh My Kasut!!they look soo HODOH!!!

u noe what mean by HODOH??!
ngaa~~cannot accept this thing
they trying 2 copy kpop boyband n girlband?
see that pix above??
can u tell me what is it??
they really2 copycat kpop boyband!!
did they ever knew what is KPOP??
u guys shud used mpop la weh
y kpop???
kpop is korean pop la
my adek pon tau la kpop tu hapa
seyes ak xleh trima bnda ni..
nk support??ngaa!!sory 2 say
g balek tanam jagong kt blakang umah lg bgos la weh!!
ada gak pekdahnya!
another girl grup that they think they were sooooooo hot!
but yet i think soooooo BODOH!!

see that???ak xleh trime la even dorang GILE~~ sngt ngan kpop
tp xyah la meniru style korean band
cr la identiti korang sendiri
n for girl grup gula2 tu
plz sdar diri
xpyah la nk bkak aurat mcm xcukop kain
kalau ko tu kafir ak leh trima
kalu ko tu islam??(atas i/c ja la)
plz::find ur own style..dont copy2 org la weh..nk muntah darah ak tau??!
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