wahh~~miss 'em a lot!!when i can see them again??utube??can't open..oh as always that web always got 2 b block!!urghh!!

Junho~~Mirreu~~~n forgive me whoever that luv wooyoung...but to tell the truth im also in luv wif wooyoung too..just i keep it secret since i know sumone that really luv woo..huk3..
am i too greedy??i cant help if i luv sumone..its hurt!!huk3(mcm real jek cte ak neh..hua3)
like woo is sumthing so suddent..i dun noe when??n why??but forgive me to whom that read this..maybe she will b angry wif me..huk3..T___T

sesi luahan hati TAMAT~~~keke
hahaha..sape?unni ke?unni xmrh..lol:p
u shuld say u miss me too..keke~
hahha..mish u unni!!!
but pliz keep it scret k...huhuu
kalu seul unni tau mati nas...T_____T
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