im hepi today!!!even 2mmoro i've my last paper!!!o should i say 2day??hmm~~
bcoz this nite gonna b my last nite at hostel...should i sleep 2nite??any suggestion??
oh 4 sure i must stay upT_T...for my gud sake lol~~*aigo0*(sok paper bio oii!!baca buku!!)
(marah tuk dri sndiri sbentar)
back to the story...emmm actuallly wat the main story??lol@_@
sj jek nk post mlm2 neh...boring asik ngadap buku...ntah2 buku tu pon da menyampah tgk muka ak kan???huhu
neway...lately ak tgk maknae 2pm(chansung) cam smakin comel je??xde la...mayb style rmbot dya kot??
hmmm~~~mayb??*thinkng*...n...n...wo0young pon ak tgk smaken comel!!*nod3*junho of coz comel..but emm... should i say wooyoung lg comel dr junho skarang???should i???bole la kan??
bkan slalo...hoho...mian junho oppaT_T...bkan curang...juz i cant see sumthng cute creatures in front of my eyes...my eyes bcome bling2...haha...

see??nmpk comey kan???hmmm~~
thats all for 2day^^juz nak menyemakkan blog ak yg da smaken semak...(pe fungsi blog kalu xpost)lol~~
gud nite!!!
rumah yg ku sayang!!!here i come!!!!!!!!!!!
haha..amek2..amek la chan n woo..junho leh kasi unni:PP
haha....xbole...xbole...ckp je...bkn curang ok...hek2
hahaha..jd madoo lg ar neh??*trime seadenye..huk!*
g bace last chapter sane~
keke....trime la hakikatnye...k??hek3
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