on 8 September 2009
x-leader of 2pm , Park Jaebeom had leave korea..
bcoz of myspace controversy..
he said "korea is gay , he want 2 go back 2 da seattle"
aftr 4 days da controversy
he go back 2 da seattle..
the airport bcome chaos bcoz of jay
he even bow b4 his flight!!
4 years he has been a trainee ,
only 4 days he has been kicked out
by netizen yg xgna!
bcoz of 4 years ago cmmnt??!
dat tym he's only a trainee n dun hve any fren..must feel LONELY
knapa la nak ungkit benda yg da lpas?
yaa i noe bcoz his word were 2 rude
when he's a trainee..dun have anyone bside him
okey after he back 2 seattle
HOTTEST were hoping he'll come back
even JYP hope he'll come back

on 13 February 2010
there were statement from JYP
he said Park Jaebeom will quit from 2pm!!
OMG(i keep thinking dat's not true)
but yea he quit from 2pm
now i've accpted he has quit from 2pm
pa yg ak xleyh trima
hottest emm no..no... X-HOTTEST
asik nak jatohkan da 6 remaining members
they said dorang abandon jay
yah?!dorang sikit pnya xcited kot
tnggu jay nak balek..da menda nak jdik...
juz accpted aje la
n da latest JYPE da press conf. bout 2pm n jay
JYP ckp jay da wat salah tym promote A&A
no one noe wat was dat
but i dun thnk he will do sumthng too stupid?
n puh~liz~
dorang pon de khidupan gak
y must destroy their career?
nape after jay quit tros nak 2pm disand??
gaahhh nampak sangt r dorang neh fan jay jek
i dun hate jay
da X's
they said they LOVE 2pm
but when jay quit?wat happen??
nak dorang disband plak??WTH?!
dorang ske jay but using 2pm name
now jay da back 2 da b-boy
wish he will success in da future
i noe he has a strong heart
pliz dun misundrstand wif wat im saying
im juz dun undrstnd y dis will b like dis
n dis is juz my opinion + feeling bout dat T_T
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