Sunday, December 26, 2010

i wish~~

>ngah on9 pg2 buta..lala~~

long tym x cte sal kpop kan??? xde feeling nk cte sal kpop skang neh...

nape kadang sy cpat taching ehh???

2 any1..sape yg knl sy
surely ckp sy feelingless,heartless...mcm2 less la...
but truthfully im not lyk that

sumtym bnda kecik pon ak terase tau???
cuma ble ak trase,ak wat xtau je
abaikan je..then bnde tu hlang dngn sndirinye
act...yg sbtulnye mls nk serabutkan otak yg mmg da serabut neh

tp kdang ble da overlimit,i cant stand it
i will burst!
tu tok manusia yg xrapat ngan sy la
tp lau my besfren laen lak cte dya
ak just diam je...xckp bnyk
tu ble ak da mang terase thap dewa kelapan la tu
lau still leh ckp2 kre ak leh than lg la

n actually

i wish~~

i could act lyk nothng happen in front of every1
but i cant..i always show my annoyng face 2 every1
but i didnt tell them y I act lyk that
bcoz of that,it would b piss them off..
urghh!ntah la..xtau nk ckp pe

ak xnk gado2 sbb bnde kecik.
mn tau tym dya ckp,xde niat nk bg ak terasa ke
kang malu lak ak..haha

ak blek kg ni pon act nk jmpe ko la blog
mcm2 ak nk cte
adekah ak lari dr masalah??
yap!!yes i am..
ak lari..ak xckp pon kat dya ak terasa ngan dya
ak xnk ade gap btween us
sbb tu ak diam

n 1 more thng
yeah i admit,ak mls nk cmpor ngan org sngt..
i lyk 2 b alone,
but if u guys have a secret,
pliz dont show that u HAVE a secret in front of me
pliz do that to any1 else ok??
it would piss me off..seyesly!
i dun care if u guys didnt want to tell me ur secret

i dont noe if i have a 'mulut tempayan'??

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