Monday, August 2, 2010

its hurt

>its appa!

gezz~~feel like want 2 give up!but i cant!
gahh~~maybe this is my test that i should take rite...
this is the beginning..
wahh~~dun noe what should i do 2 endure this test...huk3
feel want to cry ,scream ,laugh(lyk crazy person rite)
also i want to go back to my childhood tym..
tym that i dun have any problem..
do wutever i want..
laugh when i want..
scream when i want..
waa!!i want it back!!
fuhh!mang gle ah ak sem neh...
asek emo je lebeyh..
cam org gle..
b'tahan nas!!
u should noe why u came here...
someone give me a strength??T___T
i need someone 2 comfort me??
err why i being so emo recently huh??
just forget bout that...just want to forget all my probs..
this is the place dat i can throw all my prob..
cant tell my parent..u noe what will happen if i tell them rite??
i just will hurting their heart.
so...pliz endure this...if not..u will go DOWN derr..
*bkn nak amek simpati org ok~~this is my problem...nk kurangkan je..xtau nk buang mn problem buang je la kat blog..ngeh3

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